Viral Marketing

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The basics


One way of viral marketing is to write an article and include your affiliate link (Don't forget to add your name), and submit to the article directories.  Do a good job, and your aritcle will get indexed by the search engines.  It's good to add your picture with an article, so keep a good professional photo of yourself on your PC for easy addition.  It makes the article more personal, the reading experience better, and adds quality to the internet.

Viral marketing is where you make an advertisement (be it a banner, text, video or even verbal talk) send it out to the media, and it multiplies itself across the audience (usually for free).  Articles and E-Books are the easiest to create.  One of the ways we use viral marketing is the residual commission, where affiliates get paid for the sales on affiliates they signup, so it replicates our affiliate program.  See how it works?

Your own techniques

Try to make your own viral marketing techniques to advertise the affiliate program.

A good article

Amanda wrote a good article on viral marketing, you can find it here.

For more info

You can read more articles on viral marketing here.

Page last modified: 07-17-2023 07:13:05 PM