Link Exchanges

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Methods of link exchange


One of the best ways to get targeted traffic is to offer a link exchange.   Create a dedicated page to links and offer to exchange with your site.  You must specify exact instructions how to exchange the links, and provide an E-Mail Address for people to email thier link details.  Be sure the E-Mail Address or method of contact is one you check frequently.  You don't want to miss an E-Mail or respond too late.

Example of a link exchange design

You can make something like the following for your webpage

Exchange links with us

Hoover Products Corporation

Add our banner to your website then E-Mail us with your banner details:

Email us this information about your banner and website:

Your Website Name:

Your Website Description:

Your Website Banner URL:

URL where you added our banner:

You can get the code for the copy button below

<script> function copy_button_name() { let textarea_button_name = document.getElementById("button_name");; document.execCommand("copy"); } </script>

The textarea with button id is as follows:

<textarea id = "button_name" cols = "80" rows = "5"></textarea>

Add the button below the textarea as follows:

<button onclick="copy_button_name()">Copy</button>

Page last modified: 07-17-2023 07:13:03 PM